Thursday 2 February 2012

Most Revered Doctors And Experts

Just A Dad From Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

Dr. Kathleen Helps Abbotsford

Dr. Reay fights the PA war.

Happy Feb 2 Groundhog Day. In Canada, Wiarton Willie, a groundhog that lives in Wiarton, Ontario, came out of his hole and seeing nothing scary left the impression we will have an early spring, with crocuses and cherry blossoms. Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog that lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvannia, USA came out, saw a scary shadow, predicting 6 more weeks of winter.

Dr. Kathleen, who works out of Penticton, knows that parental alienation is a scary thing for children and offered a Twitter Chat at lunch yesterday (Feb 1) to help heal alienated families. Her topic was Therapist Alienation, which is a problem that happens when inexperienced professionals involved in parental alienation side with the aligning parent - a problem similar to the third party involvement in alignments we have seen in Abbotsford. The only other person I have ever seen run a Twitter Chat was the Minister of Education. So not only is Dr. Kathleen an alienation expert, but she's also technology savvy too. I hope this knowledgeable alienation professional from our own province is able to help children.

I started out to write a blog listing as many Leaders in the the War against Alienation as I knew. I was motivated by this 2009 video about the Canadian Synposium on PAS, which lists some experts I don't know. There were two other inspiring points about this conference, first 2,000 lawyers from around North America attended, billed as the most important educational conference ever organized. Second, the now-famous Florida parental alienation trials had just finished up then, and one of the lawyers interviewed about the 2009 conference said those new Florida custody laws would be coming to Canada. It's 2012 now, and I don't see anything like the Florida family laws yet. A couple days ago on Facebook, Jean-Paul from France, cited Scandinavian countries for having family laws that protect children from alienation. Here in Abbotsford, we see school, courts and mental health professionals ignoring parental alienation and by their inaction participating in this epidemic abuse. This situation leaves the Harper government legally exposed because it has promised through the United Nations Convenant of the Child to protect children, not ignore them.

In Alberta, Premier Redford has been winning the war against the Oil Sands by shutting down the us-vs-Ottawa, us-versus-them campaign and switching to a How-Can-We-Work-Together Campaign. For parents, trying to partner with such intransigent groups as teachers and family court judges will be difficult, but perhaps not impossible. The University of the Fraser Valley is trying to start up a Paralegal Course, because employment counsellors predict we will need 130,000 social workers and paralegals in the south Fraser River area over the next decade to deal with the parental alienation epidemic. To a dad, like me, this just means the status quo of legal professionals taking money from parents that our children need to deal with an iatrogenic disease - a government-created disease. At least Dr. Kathleen is taking us into a really important discussion that we need to have about healing our children to protect our future.

Last year 22 nations participated in the 6th Annual International Parental Alienation & Bubbles of Love Day. Only 84 days left till the 7th Annual International Parental Alienation Event.

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