Friday 27 January 2012

It's A Sham

Just A Dad From Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

Forget Family Court, If You Can

Dads can't fly & Family Law can't be reformed.  
Here's a novel idea. Is B.C.'s new Family Law Act a sham? Haven't we been trying to reform Canadian family law since 1998 now? In both Canada and the U.S. we have seen powerful forces come out to fight against family law reform.

In the U.S., the bar associations of all 50 states have lobbied against family law reform because it will decrease lawyer's pay cheques - possibly considerable. In Canada, B.C. is the only province to even talk about the problem, but passes a law that changes nothing. There are no parent coordinators yet, and most Canadians have never heard the term. Many laws surrounding family law, like the School Act have changed, but even though everyone is talking about education, no one is talking about how schools characterize and exclude parents. I tried to learn more about Parent Coordinators for this article, and this was the response:

Thank you for your interest in the BC Parenting Coordinators Roster Society. A member of the Board of Directors will respond to your question or concern within 5 business days. - BC PARENTING COORDINATOR ROSTER SOCIETY

Mr. Pedersen, Both parties are required to sign a contract of engagement for a Parenting Coordinator. You will be able to find a Parenting Coordinator who is accepting cases now. The Contract will require both parties to provide retainers generally of $4000 each. Robert Colby R. Psych

Do feminists fight against family law reform? Well, in the U.S. the National Organization of Women(NOW) for years argued that parental alienation was junk science, and something men created to get out of paying child support. But recently, with women being the targets of parental alienation in almost half the cases, some women's groups have joined with men's groups to fight against this huge problem. Under harsh criticism for denigrating boys, women's groups have also joined with men's groups to protect boys from the stereotype of violent brutish men. While the family court system in general is biased against fathers, there are fathers who have learned how to work the system against mothers, and use it to their unjust advantage. When this occurs, men's groups are on the side of the mother whose loving bonds with her children are being endangered. Finally, many individual women have realized that children really do need their fathers for healthy development and are starting to avoid the corrupt family court all together, where we all expect children will be harmed greatly for some years to come yet.

Having lawyers who know how to heal children from parental alienation but refuse to do it because it might mean the end of courthouses, is like having doctors who know how to heal children from cancer but refuse to do so, because it might mean the end of hospitals. Does that sound like a sham to you?

Last year 22 nations participated in the 6th Annual International Parental Alienation & Bubbles of Love Day. Only 89 days left till the 7th Annual International Parental Alienation Awareness Day.

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