Sunday, 26 February 2012

D'un ocean à l'autre

Pourquoi ne pas en parler et diffuser une belle nouvelle pour les enfants?‏

Le Message De La Présidente Pour Tout Le Monde

Chers membres,

Je trouve juste, simple et merveilleux ce geste des Bulles d’Amour; je vous transmets toutes les informations pour rejoindre Kevin Pederson qui a osé, malgré ses difficultés avec le français, me téléphoner de Vancouver vendredi. Tenons-nous la main, d’un bout à l’autre du Canada et prouvons que nous Aimons nos enfants, distribuer partout son information.

Voici son adresse courriel : Kevin Pedersen []
Voici la lettre qu’il nous a rédigée :

Cher ANCQ,

Voici ma message sur Les Bulles de L'Amour:

Voici le message originale d'Association de le conscience de l'aliénations parentale (PAAO):

Mon ami, Jean-Paul Gros, est sur Facebook en France. Il a dit, "celui de l'ANCQ m'a été fourni par Lise Bilodeau, c'est elle qui a fait une synthèse de cette journée à laquelle elle a personnellement assisté, quand a l'autre rapport je l'avais effectivement trouvé sur internet au cours d'une recherche."

Le secrétaire de sénateur Cools m'a demandé une copie de ce documentJ'espère que je n'ai pas trouver quelqu'un en difficultéNous allons changer le monde.

J'espère que vous a un bon week-end.

Last year we blew small and large soap bubbles on four continents - USA, Australia, Canada, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Brazil, South Africa and more to show that love carries us higher and it cannot be broken, as it can happen because of Parental Alienation.
Nous vous remercions de visiter notre site internet 'Les Bulles de L'Amour'.

Nous voulons que le monde participe le 25 Avril 2010 faire des bulles de savon pendant au moins 10 minutes. L'Amour nous porte à rejoindre une dimension ultime. Comme une bulle, L'Amour ne se prie pas. Vous vous souviendrez que vos parents, grands-parents, frères, sœurs et votre parents proches se souviennent également que L'Amour est une bonne raison de vivre. Le monde est une meilleure place si nous croyons en L'Amour! Si nous croyons tous, le monde aura une meilleure place.

Mettez de L'Amour dans votre quotidien et vous verrez que le monde sera plus heureux dans votre entourage.

Dans ce monde de haine, de peur et de colère montrons que L'Amour existe encore et qu'elle peut survoler tout les obstacles.

Aidez nous communiquer dans votre entourage en reproduisant les affiches ci-jointes et les afficher aux murs des épiceries, sur les sites internet de Facebook, Twitter et autres. Impliquons nos enfants. Allons-y et montrons au monde L'Amour le 25 Avril, à midi.

Lise Bilodeau, présidente fondatrice, pdg
L'Action des Nouvelles Conjointes et Nouveaux Conjoints du Québec (ANCQ)
10,009 rue Meredith, Québec (Québec), G2B 2K2
Téléphone région de Québec : 847-3176
Ailleurs au Québec, ligne sans frais : 1-877-847-3176
Télécopieur: (418) 847-5381 
Site Web :
Adresse courriel:

From Sea To Shining Sea

Lise Bilodeau's Call To All Canadians To Help Children

M. Jacques Gourde, M. Daniel Picard, M. Stephen Harper, Mme Lise Bilodeau et M. Alain Roy
July 30, 2008

The above photo recorded Lise Bilodeau, her husband, Pierre Grimbert, Alain Roy and his wife attending the barbecue of the Conservative Party of Canada, at the Arena St-Agapit. They heard the speeches of MM. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and Jacques Gourde, Member of Parliament for Lotbinière.

Here is Mme Bilodeau's letter to her members and all Canadians:

Dear Member,
I find it fair, simple and wonderful gesture of love bubbles, I send you all the information for join Kevin Pederson who dared, despite his difficulties with the French, call me in Vancouver Friday. Let us join hands from coast to coast in Canada and prove that we love our children, distributing all its information.
Here is his email address: Kevin Pedersen []Here is the letter he has written:

Dear ANCQ,
Here is my message on Bubbles of Love:
Here is the original message of the Association of awareness of parental alienation (PAAO):
My friend, John Paul Gros in France is on Facebook. He said, "that of ANCQ was provided to me by Lise Bilodeau, it was she who gave a summary of the day on which he personally witnessed, when compared to the other I had actually found Internet during a search. "
The secretary of Senator Cools asked me a copy of this document. I hope I did not get anyone in trouble. We will change the world.

I hope you had a good weekend.

Bubbles of LOVE Day
Last year we blew soap bubbles large and small oven on continents - America, Australia, Canada, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Brazil, South Africa and more to show us That Love caries Higher and it Can not Be Broken, It Can Happen've Because Of Parental Alienation.Thank you for visiting our website 'Bubbles of Love'.
We want the world to participate April 25, 2010 bubble soap for at least 10 minutes.Love leads us to reach an ultimate dimension. Like a bubble, Love does not pray.You will remember that your parents, grandparents, siblings, and your close relatives also remember that Love is a good reason to live. The world is a better place if we believe in Love! If we all believe, the world will be a better place.
Put Love in your life and you will see that the world will be happier in your life.
In this world of hate, fear and anger show that Love still exists and it can fly over all obstacles.
Help us in your area by reproducing the posters attached to the walls and display of grocery stores, on websites Facebook, Twitter and others. Involve our children. Go ahead and show the world Love April 25, at noon.

Lise Bilodeau, President and Founder, CEOAction by the Joint New and New Spouses Quebec (ANCQ)10.009 Meredith Street, Quebec (Quebec), G2B 2K2Phone Quebec region: 847-3176Elsewhere in Québec, toll free:             1-877-847-3176      Fax: (418) 847-5381Website: http://www.ancq.qc.caEmail:

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Abbotsford School Board Endorses Awareness

*                                 ABBOTSFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT #34
*                                               BOARD OF TRUSTEES               
*             In the Name and By the Authority of the of the Ministry of Education

WHEREAS: alienating behaviors are often found in high conflict divorce and custody situations;

WHEREAS: these behaviors, such as speaking negatively about a parent to or in front of a child, interfering with communication and visitation, and discussing inappropriate information with a child, such as details of the marriage, court proceedings, or financial matters, can not only destroy the bond between a loving parent and child, but can cause mental and emotional harm to the child; and

WHEREAS: Parental Alienation takes advantage of the suggestibility and dependency of children; and
WHEREAS: Parental Alienation deprives children of their right to love and be loved by both parents; and

WHEREAS: Parental Alienation is considered harmful to children as the alienating tactics used on the children are confusing, frightening, and rob children of their sense of security; and

WHEREAS: Professionals agree that the problem of Parental Alienation is damaging  to children and can affect them into adulthood with tragic consequences; and

WHEREAS: There are more than 2.4 million divorced North Americans including the parents of more than one million children under the age of eighteen, with nearly as  many unmarried couples with children separating; and

WHEREAS: With awareness comes education and understanding, and the power to stop the abuse of innocent children caught in the crossfire of the people they love:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, John Sutherland, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, do hereby endorse April 25th , 2020, as

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
Subscribed my name and caused the great
Seal of the Ministry of Education to be affixed. Done at  Abbotsford  this Februrary 14, 2012


Thursday, 9 February 2012

Feb 29 Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day

British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils News
BCCPAC would like to remind our members of important events of interest occurring in February to support keeping our kids safe.
We hope you find the following information and links to resources helpful.

SAFER INTERNET DAY 2012 – Tuesday February 7 2012
On February 7, 2012, Safer Internet Day, countries around the world will be promoting safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people. In Canada, the Canadian Centre for Child Protection has created a unique, one-stop Internet safety website – The Door that’s Not Locked – to help parents, teachers and anyone else with children in their lives learn about ways to keep kids safe.  Click the attached pdf for details and for more information.

Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day Posters for 2012
Bullying Stops Here – Wednesday February 29th is Pink Shirt Day - Anti Bullying.Click here to get involved
BCCPAC has parent resources on the topics of Bullying, Intimidation & Harassment in schools.  Click the links below for your preferred language:
Call it Safe: A parent guide for dealing with bullying in elementary schoolsAvailable in:  English,FrenchKoreanPunjabiSimplified ChineseTraditional Chinese
Call it Safe: A parent guide for dealing with harassment & intimidation is secondary schools.  Available in:  EnglishFrench,KoreanPunjabiSimplified ChineseTraditional Chinese

BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC)
Suite 200, 4170 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6
(P) 604-687-4433 ext. 100 w Toll Free 1-866-529-4397 w (F) 604-687-4488

Our Vision: To improve public education for all students by including and supporting parents

 Sit tight………our new website is coming soon!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Parental Alienation Awareness Day April 25th: Volunteer to Make Abbotsford A Parental Alienation Aware City. You can email me at or leave your name and email, and any comment or ideas you have in the comment box below. - Kevin

Parental Alienation Awareness Day is much closer than you think!  If you are planning a Bubbles of Love event, secure a location immediately.  Hopefully a free venue.  Work on collecting plenty of bubbles and most importantly attendance, attendance, attendance!  Wendy Archer, our Texas chapter manager, knows exactly how to plan and implement a successful event.  Contact her on the PAAO Texas chapter Facebook page for detailed information.  Whether you have one or 101, it will be a successful event!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Sunny Friday

Making It Better

Happy Friday! It's a glorious sunny day here in Abbotsford. I don't have much planned for the week-end, except our sons soccer Cup game. In Abbotsford we usually play soccer in the rain.

Through out Alberta and British Columbia we have lost many young people recently to drug related deaths. This is another big issue for parents and teachers. Through talking with our community, I know we are all concerned and looking to help. Here's a link from other school parents which speaks to their passion and hopes for our children and schools across BC. This issue will probably resonate with parents and become a common conversation and goal of Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) and District PACs across the province in collaboration with school and district staff. This is another example of how parents and schools can work together for children.

Mental health problems are not just an adult problem and can have an affect on everyone in a family. Often symptoms are first noticed in childhood. Mental health is at the root of so many education issues like homophobia, parental alienation, and substance abuse. Youth Mental Health Day is coming on May 7th, 2012.

Jane Bouey on Facebook says that Prince George is the 16th of our 57 school districts to have created an anti-homophobia policy similar to those that have slowly been coming into existence across BC. So it really can get better.

What great news from England! "Millions of children from broken homes are to be granted new rights to a 'full and continuing relationship' with both their parents. The move is designed to ensure that the parent who leaves the family home – most commonly the father – cannot be cut out of their children's lives following an acrimonious separation. Ministers have decided that a change in the law is vital in the face of heartbreaking evidence that huge numbers of youngsters whose families split up lose contact with one parent for ever."

And finally, here are two more Canadian cities who have declared their Parental Alienation Awareness Day celebrations.

Have a great week-end everyone.

Only 81 days till International Parental Alienation Awareness and Bubbles of Love Day.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Most Revered Doctors And Experts

Just A Dad From Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

Dr. Kathleen Helps Abbotsford

Dr. Reay fights the PA war.

Happy Feb 2 Groundhog Day. In Canada, Wiarton Willie, a groundhog that lives in Wiarton, Ontario, came out of his hole and seeing nothing scary left the impression we will have an early spring, with crocuses and cherry blossoms. Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog that lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvannia, USA came out, saw a scary shadow, predicting 6 more weeks of winter.

Dr. Kathleen, who works out of Penticton, knows that parental alienation is a scary thing for children and offered a Twitter Chat at lunch yesterday (Feb 1) to help heal alienated families. Her topic was Therapist Alienation, which is a problem that happens when inexperienced professionals involved in parental alienation side with the aligning parent - a problem similar to the third party involvement in alignments we have seen in Abbotsford. The only other person I have ever seen run a Twitter Chat was the Minister of Education. So not only is Dr. Kathleen an alienation expert, but she's also technology savvy too. I hope this knowledgeable alienation professional from our own province is able to help children.

I started out to write a blog listing as many Leaders in the the War against Alienation as I knew. I was motivated by this 2009 video about the Canadian Synposium on PAS, which lists some experts I don't know. There were two other inspiring points about this conference, first 2,000 lawyers from around North America attended, billed as the most important educational conference ever organized. Second, the now-famous Florida parental alienation trials had just finished up then, and one of the lawyers interviewed about the 2009 conference said those new Florida custody laws would be coming to Canada. It's 2012 now, and I don't see anything like the Florida family laws yet. A couple days ago on Facebook, Jean-Paul from France, cited Scandinavian countries for having family laws that protect children from alienation. Here in Abbotsford, we see school, courts and mental health professionals ignoring parental alienation and by their inaction participating in this epidemic abuse. This situation leaves the Harper government legally exposed because it has promised through the United Nations Convenant of the Child to protect children, not ignore them.

In Alberta, Premier Redford has been winning the war against the Oil Sands by shutting down the us-vs-Ottawa, us-versus-them campaign and switching to a How-Can-We-Work-Together Campaign. For parents, trying to partner with such intransigent groups as teachers and family court judges will be difficult, but perhaps not impossible. The University of the Fraser Valley is trying to start up a Paralegal Course, because employment counsellors predict we will need 130,000 social workers and paralegals in the south Fraser River area over the next decade to deal with the parental alienation epidemic. To a dad, like me, this just means the status quo of legal professionals taking money from parents that our children need to deal with an iatrogenic disease - a government-created disease. At least Dr. Kathleen is taking us into a really important discussion that we need to have about healing our children to protect our future.

Last year 22 nations participated in the 6th Annual International Parental Alienation & Bubbles of Love Day. Only 84 days left till the 7th Annual International Parental Alienation Event.